2 nd Semester Exam CELLS Chapter 1-3

2nd Semester Exam
Chapter 1-3
1. All life begins with a single ________
2. The control center of a cell is the ___________________.
3. This controls what comes into and goes out of the cell. ____________
4. _______________use energy from sunlight to make sugars for plant cells.
5. Identify from a picture cell wall, cell membrane, chloroplast, nucleus, vacuole
6. Why do scientists organize things into groups? __________________________
7. Who is the Father of Classification?__________________________
8. In binomial nomenclature, (two names) the first word refers to the __________________________
9. In binomial nomenclature, (two names) the second word refers to the __________________________
Give the common names of the following species
10. Felis catus__________________________
11. Lynx rufus__________________________
12. Panthera onca__________________________
13. Smilodon fatali__________________________
14. Be able to use a dichotomous key
CH 1 & 2
15. lists the levels of organization from simplest to most complex ___________________________________
16. Most fungi are ____________________.
17. Stimulus is _____________________________________________________________________
18. Behavior is ____________________________________________________________________?
19. Be able to identify a predator and prey
20. Adaptation is ____________________________________________________
21. hibernate is ____________________________________________________
22. migration is: ____________________________________________________
Identify the following from a picture. CH 3
23. Decomposer __________________________________________________________________________
24. Predator______________________________________________________________________________
25. prey______________________________________________________________________________
26. producer______________________________________________________________________________
27. source of photosynthesis __________________________________________________________________
28. What tissues make up a plant’s vascular system? ________________________________________________
29. Which structure allows carbon dioxide to flow into a leaf and oxygen to flow out? _______________________
30. Which structure protects the leaf with a waxy covering? _________________________________________
31. Which system anchors the plant to the soil? __________________________
32. Which system transports water to different parts of the plant? __________________________
33. Where in the leaf does photosynthesis occur? __________________________
34. Answer the following from the picture.
35. How do angiosperms reproduce? ____________________________________________________
36. How do gymnosperms reproduce? ____________________________________________________
37. Which plants are angiosperms ____________________________________________________
38. Which plants are gymnosperms ____________________________________________________
39. Which plants are decomposers? ____________________________________________________
40. How do Mosses, ferns and fungi reproduce ________________________________
Be able to identify pictures of these invertebrates Chapter 4 (give 2-3 examples)
41. arthropods______________________________________________________________________________
42. cnidarians______________________________________________________________________________
43. echinoderms___________________________________________________________________________
44. mollusks______________________________________________________________________________
45. sponges______________________________________________________________________________
46. worms______________________________________________________________________________
Know the characteristics of invertebrates
47. spiny skinned with radial symmetry__________________________
48. soft-tube shaped body__________________________
49. simplest invertebrate__________________________
50. central opening with tentacles__________________________
51. muscular foot and a shell__________________________
52. segmented body with outer skeleton__________________________
Be able to identify and recognize these the 5 classes of vertebrates in Chapter 5
53. gills, fins, swim bladder, lay eggs in water __________________________
54. moist skin, lay eggs in water, gills in young, lungs in adults__________________________
55. dry skin, lay shelled eggs on land, lungs__________________________
56. lungs, hollow bones, feathers, lay shelled eggs on land__________________________
57. lungs, live birth, produce milk for young, hair/fur__________________________
58. Know how to work a punnet square
59. Various forms of the same gene are _____________________.
60. The genes that an organism has, its genetic make-up _____________________.
61. The actual characteristics that you see in an organism _____________________.
62. Any change to DNA _____________________.
Human Biology Chapters 8-11 Identify the levels of organization
63. Cell_____________________________________________________________.
64. Organ_____________________________________________________________.
65. organ system _____________________________________________________________.
66. Organism _____________________________________________________________.
67. tissue_____________________________________________________________.
68. Homeostasis _____________________________________________________________.
Body Systems
69. What is the function of the skeletal system? ________________________________________________
70. What is the function of the circulatory system? ________________________________________________
71. What is the function of the respiratory system? ________________________________________________
72. What is the function of the digestive system? ________________________________________________
73. What is the function of the urinary system? ________________________________________________
74. What is the function of the immune system? ________________________________________________
75. What is the function of the nervous system? ________________________________________________
76. What is the function of the endocrine system? ________________________________________________
77. What is the function of the reproductive system? ________________________________________________
78. Which two systems of a body are involved in moving oxygen through the body and removing carbon dioxide from
the body? ______________________________________________________________________________
79. Be able to identify contracting and relaxing muscles __________________________
80. example of hinge/pivot joint ________________________________________________
81. example of ball and socket joint ________________________________________________
82. example of immovable joint ________________________________________________
83. example of slightly movable joint ________________________________________________
84. Identify the bones from Lab book CH 8.
85. The bones that protect that protect the lungs are the example of ball and socket joint __________________
86. The bone that protects the heart is the example of ball and socket joint ___________________________
87. The bones that protects the spinal cord are
88. Identify the muscles from Lab book CH 8
89. Identify the function and the parts of the Respiratory System
90. Identify the function and parts of the Digestive System
91. Identify the function and parts of the endocrine system
92. What is positive feedback __________________________________________________________________
93. What is negative feedback__________________________________________________________________
94. The male specialized reproductive cell is the _________________
95. During reproduction the egg cell is released from the _________________
96. Once fertilized the egg moves to the ___________________
97. If the egg is not fertilized, muscles contract in the process called ________________________
98. The urinary system removes liquid waste from the blood through which organ? ________________________
99. The looping tubes in the kidneys are the ________________________
A nerve cell is also called a(n) ________________________
The central nervous system includes: ________________________
The part of the brain responsible for language is ________________________
Oxygen poor blood enters the heart through the ________________________
From the right ventricle the oxygen poor blood will enter the ________________________which takes blood to
the lungs.
When the oxygen poor blood enters the lung the carbon dioxide is then diffused into to alveoli where it will be
exhaled. The oxygen rich blood will now enter flow back to the heart with the ________________________
The oxygen rich blood will now enter the heart through the ________________________
From the heart the oxygen rich blood will now go to ________________________
The organ that filters the blood is the ________________________