Two Parts of a Dream

Warm Up
• What are the Universal Biological Clocks?
• Are you a Lark or an Owl? Why?
• Why do we sleep?
Dreams and Dreaming
Defined in Webster's Dictionary as
• a "sequence of sensations, images, thoughts,
etc., passing through a sleeping person's
The scientific
discipline of
dream research
The most famous
dream researcher was
Two Parts of a Dream
(according to Freud)
Manifest Content
– the remembered storyline of a dream
– who’s in the dream, what happens
Two Parts of a Dream
Latent Content
–the underlying
meaning of a
The mc is the representation of the lc
thus disguising the real meaning of the
Dream Interpretation
This type of therapy
is dangerous…why??
Types of Dreams
– a level of consciousness between
sleep and wakefulness.
– It occurs during our waking hours
when we let our imagination carry
us away
Why do we daydream?
• They can help us prepare for
future events
• They can substitute for
impulsive behavior
Lucid Dreams
• The conscious perception of one's state
while dreaming
– occurs when you realize you are dreaming
– "Wait a second. This is only a dream!"
– results in a much clearer ("lucid") experience
and usually enables direct control over the
content of the dream
Lucid Dreams
Vanilla Sky- Lucid
• Dreams of particular intensity, with content that
the sleeper finds disturbing
– related either to physiological causes, such as a high
– or to psychological ones, such as unusual trauma or
stress in the sleeper's life
Reoccurring Dreams
• Recurring dreams
repeat themselves
with little variation
in story or theme.
Have You had one???
Dreams of Absent Minded
Transgression (DAMT)
• Dreams where the individual
dreaming absent mindedly
performs an action that they have
been trying to stop – withdrawal
• (a classic example is a smoker
trying to quit dreams of lighting a
• Subjects that have had DAMT
dreams have reported awaking
with intense feelings of guilt
Fantasy Prone Personalities
• Someone who imagines
and recalls experiences
with lifelike vividness and
who spends considerable
time fantasizing
To Satisfy our own Wishes
“Wish-fulfillment theory”
Freud – “dreams are the key to understanding our
inner conflicts”
Dreams are our expressions of our wishes
To File away Memories
Information –processing Theory
– sorting and sifting through
information to aid memory
storage or memory removal
To Develop and preserve neural
Physiological function theory
provides stimulation for our brain
To make sense of random
activity in the brain
Activation-synthesis Theory
The minds attempt to make
sense of random neural
This might explain why many
dreams do not make sense