Minutes - Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services


Rehabilitation Council of Texas

4800 North Lamar Blvd., Suite 350, Austin, Texas 78756

Rehabilitation Council of Texas

July 15-16, 2013

Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center

Austin, Texas

Meeting Minutes

Present: Mark Schroeder, Acting Chair, Grand Prairie

Elizabeth Gentry, Schertz

Joyce Taylor, Houston

Karen Stanfill, Houston

Manuel Lopez, Rosenberg

Martha Garber, Coppell

Rames Gonzalez, Palmview


Roger Cortez, Cedar Park

Saul Herrera, Midland

Thelma Scott, Houston

Brent Pitt, Austin

Lori Henning, Austin

Rana Anderson, Snyder

DARS Reps: Barbara Madrigal, DBS Assistant Commissioner


David Norman, DRS Liaison

Elizabeth Freaney, DARS RCT Council Staff

Jean Genevie, DBS Liaison

Jim Hanophy, DRS Assistant Commissioner

Mary Alice Garcia, DARS RCT Council Staff

Donna Holmes (TEA), Raul Ortiz (TWIC), Kurt Gore (TWIC), Juanita Gregg

(DBS), Laura York (DRS), Karen Dunn (DRS), Karla Martinez

Welcome and Introductions

Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Mark Schroeder, Acting Chair.

DBS Assistant Commissioner Barbara Madrigal introduced the new DARS

Commissioner, Veronda Durden, who gave welcoming remarks.

Committee Meetings

The following committees met with their members: Policy, Procedures and Personnel

Development, Membership and Education, and Consumer Satisfaction and Needs


Planning and Review Committee

– Committee now consists of the full council. Council reviewed the 4.2 attachment for the State Plan 2014 submission for both DRS and DBS. This attachment records the summary of input and recommendations of the RCT and the division’s

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Rehabilitation Council of Texas

4800 North Lamar Blvd., Suite 350, Austin, Texas 78756 response to the RCT. Martha Garber commented that DRS changed the wording that RCT submitted before consulting with RCT.

ACTION: Karen Stanfill made a motion that DRS revert to the language in the original submission of 4.2. Motion seconded by Joyce Taylor and it was approved unanimously.

RECOMMENDATION : Martha noted that after Committee meetings, if information is submitted to DBS or DRS, the Committee Chair needs to label the information as Recommendation,

Input, or Inquiry.

Public Input

Mr. Easy Ojonta introduced himself as the CFO of Niche Medical Group and Niche Academy and distributed handouts. He explained the services his agency could provide to DARS consumers. He was referred to the DARS Houston office.

Strategic Plan Review

Mark Schroeder said beginning in October the Council would be reviewing short and long-term strategic goals at every meeting.


The Council recognized Dolly Worley, former DARS RCT Council staff, for her many years of extraordinary service. She was given a Plaque of Appreciation, gift card and cake. Chase

Bearden, former RCT Council member, was also recognized with a Plaque of Appreciation for his many years of service. Richard Hatfield also had a plaque but was unable to attend.

Guest Speaker

Joyce Taylor introduced Dr. Kurt Gore from the Texas Workforce Investment Council (TWIC).

This is TWIC’s fourth demographic report that identifies populations in Texas warranting additional focus and planning efforts. Dr. Gore made a presentation entitled “People with

Disabilities: A Texas Pr ofile” and distributed copies of this presentation. A more detailed report can be found on the TWIC website. After discussing the statistical findings, Council members thanked Dr. Gore for his time.

ACTION: Joyce will get Dr. Gore’s presentation and notes to share with Council members.

National Coalition of State Rehabilitation Councils

Karen Stanfill attended the annual NCSRC forum in Washington. The Rehabilitation Services

Administration (RSA) conducted training in conjunction with George Washington University during this forum. Karen provided a handout and said more information can be found on the

NCSRC website. Things discussed include:

SRC membership appointments from the governors ’ offices, including recruiting qualified members

RSA website changes

VR program financial management

State Plan development

1. What happened during the year

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Rehabilitation Council of Texas

4800 North Lamar Blvd., Suite 350, Austin, Texas 78756

2. W hat’s happening now

3. Why is it happening

4. What is going to happen

5. What do you want to happen

6. Who is going to do it and how

Comprehensive statewide needs assessment, goals & priorities

E-rehab online training sessions

Policy Development

RECOMMENDATION: Karen suggested RCT incorporate a training session on the RSA website, and review the online e-rehab training series at future RCT Council meetings.

Committee Reports

Planning & Review Committee , chair Martha Garber – See notes above on the 4.2 attachment.

Others topics discussed include: o Setting up new system for gathering input quarterly o Housing that information on SharePoint for continuous updating and tracking o Reviewing the DBS quarterly report but not the DRS report

Consumer Satisfaction & Needs Assessment Committee , chair Elizabeth Gentry – Needs

Assessment due every three years and RCT is behind planning schedule. Referenced the

RSA Guide to Comprehensive Assessment. Final due date: July 1, 2014.


 Nelva Sneed will revise the template that has been used in past

 David Norman and Jean Genevie are locating documents used previously

Town Hall Meetings need to be scheduled with DARS Stakeholder Relations

 Identify people within DARS and RCT who can assist (David and Jean will work on this)

 Schedule RCT conference call to discuss progress

Elizabeth noted her term of office expires in October 2013 and someone new will need to chair this committee. Mark said Lori will probably select the next chair.

Elizabeth said there has been a request to have a RCT booth at the next Texas RehabACTion

Network ( TRAN) Conference September 11-13. Discussion included developing the needs assessment survey before attending the conference, requesting permission from TRAN, and reimbursing hotel rooms and travel for two RCT members who would like to attend (Martha

Garber and Thelma Scott).

PENDING ACTION: Once more information is obtained, the Council can vote whether to support and fund this request via email.

In addition to gathering needs assessment information at conference, Karen Stanfill suggested going directly various organizations, such as head injury association, that have multiple support groups across state. David Norman mentioned town hall meetings and also telephone surveys with key people. Karen said once the survey tool is complete, she will take it to various

Houston disability groups. Joyce Taylor mentioned the Texas Workforce Commission and

Rehabilitation Council of Texas www.dars.state.tx.us/councils/rct/rct.shtml


Rehabilitation Council of Texas

4800 North Lamar Blvd., Suite 350, Austin, Texas 78756

TWIC will meet jointly in December and RCT could possibly have a table there and hand out brochures and needs assessment tool. ACTION: Joyce to send email to Chair about this.

Membership & Education Committee chair Joyce Taylor – Brent Pitt resigned as chair and

Joyce accepted this position. Items discussed in committee include: o Getting new members on Council, providing orientation information, and mentoring new members o Creating spreadsheet of RCT Council members listing areas they represent and the expiration date of individual terms of office o Suggesting Gaby Fuentes from the Governor’s Office speak at the next RCT Council meeting re: process for Council appointments

ACTION: Elizabeth Freaney will create spreadsheet and also contact Gabby Fuentes.

Policy, Procedures & Personnel Development Committee, chair Karen Stanfill – DRS reviewing policy manuals to make more streamlined. Karen reviewed draft Table of Contents and will share with Committee. This process has been tabled by DRS due to other pressing issues. Other topics of discussion were: o Turnover for counselors is very low, 4.6%. o DRS and DBS both had on-site monitoring visits from RSA that went really well. o Both di visions have a good number of counselors obtaining Master’s degrees – DRS has 509 out of 604 and DBS has 69 out of 9 9 with Master’s. o Policy differences between DRS and DBS re: consumers receiving Social Security

Within that committee, Elizabeth Gentry from DARS Center for Learning Management reported on Personnel Development : o CLM will continue redesigning training program for DRS direct service delivery staff o Expand new counselor training to include computer based modules o Continue developing training staff o Develop strategies to revise DBS direct service delivery content o Develop training for new DARS managers o Develop purchasing training o Develop training on specific disabilities o Seventeen new classes have been created

Assistant Commissioner Updates

DRS Assistant Commissioner Jim Hanophy stated this will be his last RCT meeting; he has accepted a new position as CEO of Operation Kindness in Carrollton. Some highlights of his presentation included:

1. DRS Management has challenged Regions with stretch production goals where appropriate – Worked with the Institute for Community Inclusion on typical formula used in the past to determine number of people VR served and number of cases closed.

Using that formula (population of Texas, population of that number with disability, number VR served and closed), DRS was able to determine that in parts of Texas we were exceeding the formula, and in other parts were not meeting the formula. Resulted in a challenge to DRS Regions to increase closures. Reviewed resources and made

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4800 North Lamar Blvd., Suite 350, Austin, Texas 78756 changes in how closures could increase for all disability groups that includes living wages.

2. Institute for Community Inclusion asked DARS DRS to participate in model project of rapid engagement for getting people on SSDI and SGA substantial gainful activity. DRS has agreed.

3. Strategic Network Teams – the goal is to develop a high performing team culture that promotes commitment to our mission by developing tools and implementing strategies that support highly effective teams. Team updates: o Over 175 staff participated in reviewing and streamlining policies o Alignment Team

– work topics are *Selecting Partners For Strategic Alliance

Partners*Creating Non-profit Organizations*Forming and Maintaining

Alliances*Marketing and Fundraising.* Documents will be compiled to form

Alliance Joint Venture Model and Quick Ready Tool Kit. Subgroup team work includes:

 Reviewing and increasing job coaching practices

 CRP rural mileage project to increase mileage for long distances

Soft skills assessment and development for consumer training

 Summer Youth Work Experience to pay consumer’s salaries

4. Looking at reviewing and expanding some DRS promising models such as: o Project Hire

– Project in the Valley where we have DCDD grant for up to 50 kids to attend South Texas College that includes UT Pan Am education coaches o Project Search – DRS is partnering with Texas Tech who received grant from the

DD Council to open 5 new sites o Transition Model. There are two transition models currently being piloted:

- One Transition Model has TVRCs assigned successful closure goals (10-15) and maintaining a caseload (Active Services + Employed) of 80 consumers. Once that threshold is exceeded, then cases will be identified for transfer to a VRC.

- Second model has TVRCs assigned a minimum case transfer goal of 55 and maintaining cases in eligibility status versus (active services + employed) by focusing on developing AAMs/World of Work (WOW) activities to prepare cases for transfer recommendation to finalize the IPE with a VRC or to close out the case as an Unsuccessful Closure Before Plan. In addition, the number of schools assigned to TVRCs is no longer limited. They may work as many schools as they need to in order to achieve their case transfer expectations, with the remaining schools assigned to VRCs.

- After this pilot year, we will compare results to see what kind of impact was made in transition.

5. DRS Coaching and Learning Network – DRS is working with the DARS Center for

Learning Management to rethink a way to design training to support learning culture, including training in multiple formats and how to build a learning culture.

Jim was thanked by the Council for his passionate work over the years promoting ideas for people with disabilities.

Rehabilitation Council of Texas www.dars.state.tx.us/councils/rct/rct.shtml


Rehabilitation Council of Texas

4800 North Lamar Blvd., Suite 350, Austin, Texas 78756

DBS Assistant Commissioner Barbara Madrigal also thanked Mr. Hanophy. She noted that there are about six weeks left in the fiscal year and DBS is on target with their budget and production goals. Other topics:

1. DBS is working on initiative called Work Matters to increase salaries for consumers.

Some of the keys to Work Matters include:

Developing strategic large business partnerships

Developing regional strategic business plans

Working with vocational technical schools

2. Revisions to the RSA 911

– Big initiative on code changes by October 2014

3. Improving outcomes in the vocational rehabilitation program and increasing closures

4. Working on increasing consumer weekly earnings. The average hourly earnings for

DBS consumer was $13.69 per hour vs. $24.43 per hour for state average.

5. WIA reauthorization submitted in June. This may include moving RSA into the US

Department of Labor. Don’t yet know its impact on VR.

6. Sunset Review – DARS is scheduled for Sunset Review in 2014. This is required every 12 years and the Sunset Advisory Committee will either recommend continuing DARS, to merge the agency or to abolish it. DARS staff is preparing for this review and plan to keep consumer groups informed of the status.

7. DBS has most recently awarded the company E.Q.U.I.P. in Laredo a Business of the

Year certificate. Last year DBS awarded 30 businesses this honor and this year the nominations have increased. Some of the other companies receiving this award included Yellow Cab, Veterans Administration, Office Depot, Wal-Mart, AT&T, CVS, various city and county offices and school districts, etc.

8. The US Bureau of Engraving and Printing came to DARS DBS to get input on the new, tactile US currency. Various consumers and CCRC residents were able to provide feedback.

9. Both DBS and DRS had visitors from Turkmenistan re: providing services

10. Business Enterprise of Texas (BET) – will be conducting a consumer satisfaction survey in August, required by the LBB.

11. Exploring more consumer work-from-home opportunities.

RCT Liaison Reports

1) Texas Workforce Investment Council (TWIC) – Joyce Taylor reported. The 19-member

Council ’s role is to help create a highly skilled and highly educated workforce for Texas.

The Council members come from around the state and represent different areas of business, as well as state government. The Council met June 7, 2013. Received status update on Apprenticeship Project and full report will be presented in December. The

Apprenticeship Project is geared towards individuals not going to college but who desire employment. The Apprenticeship programs are through businesses, not schools. A link to the Apprenticeship brochure is: http://governor.state.tx.us/files/twic/apprenticeship_brochure.pdf

The System Integration Technical Advisory Committee (SITAC) also met and TWIC heard updates related to workforce systems strategic plan. The TWIC also endorsed local workforce development board plans provided by all boards throughout Texas.

Plans forwarded and approved by Governor Perry on June 18.

Rehabilitation Council of Texas www.dars.state.tx.us/councils/rct/rct.shtml


Rehabilitation Council of Texas

4800 North Lamar Blvd., Suite 350, Austin, Texas 78756

Joyce also noted TWIC heard a presentation from the Higher Education Coordinating

Board and in past meetings heard talks from the Veteran’s Association and Texas

Workforce Commission.

Joyce said the TWIC meetings allow the members to present their goals, their barriers, their initiatives, their aspirations, how they related to the workforce program and services and then how the TWIC can support and assist the members. This information will help with strategic planning.

ACTION: Joyce will coordinate inviting a speaker from the Apprenticeship Project to the

October RCT meeting.

2) Client Assistance Program (CAP)

– Karen Stanfill reported. The CAP is federally funded in every state, along with the VR program. CAP advocates for clients when they have issues with the VR agency, either the vocational program, or the independent living program or independent living centers.

CAP hired 3 new advocates, 2 in Dallas and 1 in San Antonio.

Karen mentioned DARS has come out with a new “Can We Talk?” brochure for DRS that gives clients 180 day notice for the right to appeal. However, there is inconsistent information in brochure that references both CAP and Disability Rights Texas. CAP is in communication with DRS to make changes in future.

Karen also discussed how Social Security policy is applied between DRS and DBS regarding living expenses.

Lastly, Karen reported that CAP has requested a conversation with DBS regarding transition cases transferred to VR counselors who work adult caseloads.

3) Parents Resource Network (PRN)

– no report.

4) Texas Education Agency (TEA) – Donna Holmes reported for Brent Pitt, who is in

Washington. Discussed Indicator 13 Secondary Transition. 97.8% of school districts in compliance regarding transition planning for students with disabilities.

5) Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC)

– Saul Herrera reported. SILC held their quarterly meeting May 31-June 2, 2013. Focus was finalizing the SPIL, and the draft was submitted to RSA on June 28, 2013. You can view the report at www.txSILC.org.

They are trying to recruit new members. TACIL Chair, Peggy Cosner, term expired and she will be replaced by Jim Brocato from RISE. Ashley Schweickart with TDHCS is moving and will be replaced by Terri Richards. John Hobgood is new SILC appointment from Life Run in Lubbock.

The SILC Conference in Corpus Christi will be March 30-April 1, 2014. The theme is

BEACH, Building and Expanding Abilities, Capacities and Horizons. Corpus is not very handicap friendly and that is one of the SILC goals, to go into communities to raise awareness.

SILC has moved offices to 4719 James Casey, Suite 100, Austin.

As part of Transportation Works grant funded by TxDOT, SILC and the ABLE Center held a town hall meeting in Midland and Odessa regarding transportation issues for persons with disabilities.

SILC would like the same representative to RCT to serve for three years, which would be Mr. Herrera.

SILC and RCT will have a joint meeting in January. SILC would like to know if RCT could change meeting date to either January 6-7 or January 27-28.

Rehabilitation Council of Texas www.dars.state.tx.us/councils/rct/rct.shtml


Rehabilitation Council of Texas

4800 North Lamar Blvd., Suite 350, Austin, Texas 78756

ACTION: Council to vote on date change via email.

6) DARS Council – no report.


A. April 2013 RCT Minutes - Karen Stanfill made a motion to approve, Joyce Taylor seconded, all approved.

B. By-Law Amendment

– Change name of Education Committee (see New Business)

C. Review April To-Do List –

Executive Committee

DONE: Quarterly Meeting Agenda-feature State Plan.

 DONE: Tour CCRC--will take place after this meeting.

 CARRY FORWARD: Chair to ask consumer to share story at RCT meeting.

 CARRY FORWARD: Begin collecting consumer stories for next annual report.


 CARRY FORWARD: Consider quarterly meeting at college campus. Suggested from Consumer Satisfaction Committee, goal to promote RCT.

ACTION: Thelma Scott and Joyce Taylor to research and send information to

Chair as well as DARS RCT staff Elizabeth Freaney for cost estimates.

 CLOSE: Book Review-close topic.

Planning and Review Committee

 CLOSE: Involve others at quarterly meeting re: state plan.

Consumer Satisfaction Committee

 DONE: Consumer Satisfaction Committee-use social media to promote RCT.

ACTION: Motion made by Martha Garber to include a link to the RCT site from the DARS Facebook page. Karen Stanfill seconded, approved unanimously.

 DONE: Provide input to the State Plan.

CARRY FORWARD: Needs Assessment.

ACTION: Elizabeth Gentry to send email to Chair and to Council members soliciting volunteers for needs assessment.

ACTION: Conference call to be scheduled to discuss assessment progress.

Elizabeth has already sent email out about this, tentative date July 30 or 31.

Membership and Education Committee

 CARRY FORWARD: Per Joyce Taylor re: work on recruiting new member process. Jim Hanophy was mentioned as a possible new member.

 CARRY FORWARD: Per Joyce Taylor re: identify other partner entities. Joyce to review with Brent Pitt what he has done so far on this topic.

 CARRY FORWARD: DARS Barbara Madrigal would like the Membership &

Education Committee to actively recruit blind and visually impaired members.

Mark Schroeder may be able to assist with this one.

 DONE: Provide input to State Plan.

DONE: Change name from Advocacy and Education Committee to Membership and Education Committee, change by-laws to reflect.

Policy, Procedures and Personnel Development

DONE: Provide input to State Plan.

Rehabilitation Council of Texas www.dars.state.tx.us/councils/rct/rct.shtml


Rehabilitation Council of Texas

4800 North Lamar Blvd., Suite 350, Austin, Texas 78756

DARS RCT Coordinator

 DONE: approve April minutes, participate in state plan webinar, provide sign in sheets for committees, provide acronym list in Council packets, send Mark

Schroeder email addresses for SharePoint developer.

 ACTION : Make sure RCT by-laws are uploaded to SharePoint. Mark will now be the administrator of this site.

 CARRY FORWARD: Send monthly reminders re: consumer success stories for next annual report.

CARRY FORWARD: Get photograph of DBS and DRS Assistant Commissioners for annual report, perhaps Commissioner also.

Other Old Business:

DARS asked that Sara Kendall present on DADS Promoting Independence Advisory

Committee (PIAC). Employment First legislation was passed and this is important information for RCT to have. If SILC is interested in this information, we could share the speaker at the joint RCT-SILC Council meeting in January. ACTION: Martha Garber and Saul Herrera will contact SILC. David Norman will ask Sarah to present at the appropriate RCT meeting.


Joyce Taylor will contact Gaby Fuentes at the Governor’s Office to speak at October

RCT meeting regarding new RCT member nomination process.

ACTION: Joyce to postpone getting a speaker from the Apprenticeship Project until the next available time slot in the January or April 2014 RCT agenda.

Texas Association of Educational & Vocational Counselors (TAEVC) Conference. Thelma

Scott mentioned that she attended this and she recommends a speaker from there to present on legislative updates at next RCT. It was noted that perhaps DARS Deputy Commissioner

Glenn Neal or David Hagerla, Center for Policy & External Relations Director, could provide a legislative update.

ACTION: Cassie Fisher will ask for legislative update at the October 21-22 RCT meeting.

Annual Report for 2014 – Discussed adding pie charts, color code maps, graphs and more statistics. Discussed creating annual report in electronic format and create print version from electronic version. ACTION AND CARRY FORWARD: David Norman can take examples of what RCT wants in the next report to DARS PRA and they will provide the statistics and graphs.


Committee Name Change

ACTION: Martha Garber made a motion to change the name of the Advocacy and Education

Committee to Membership and Education. Motion seconded by Joyce Taylor and it was approved unanimously.

Rehabilitation Council of Texas www.dars.state.tx.us/councils/rct/rct.shtml


Rehabilitation Council of Texas

4800 North Lamar Blvd., Suite 350, Austin, Texas 78756

Chair/Vice Chair Election

Nominations for RCT Chair: Lori Henning. Nominations for RCT Vice-Chair: Mark Schroeder and Thelma Scott. Ms. Scott’s nomination was withdrawn.

ACTION: Martha Garber made a motion to accept the slate of officers as nominated. Joyce Taylor seconded, and vote was approved unanimously.

Budget Update

Reviewed budget. As of April 2013, budget balance is $24,342.62. Fiscal year ends August 31.

Meeting adjourned July 16, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. RCT members proceeded to tour the Criss

Cole Rehabilitation Center.

Rehabilitation Council of Texas www.dars.state.tx.us/councils/rct/rct.shtml

