Performance Elements of Drama

Performance Elements of Drama
Actors must maintain control over certain
physical actions such as:
Acting-empathy, character motivation,
and analysis
Speaking-breath control, diction,
Non-verbal Expression- gestures
Actors must fine-tune their methods of
speaking in order to be understood and to
best portray the character
The actor must not only be heard, but must
remain IN CHARACTER at all times
Non-Verbal Expression
The use of body language communicates
a great deal about the character to the
Often an actor ‘speaks’ more with a
nonverbal reaction than with any words
that could be written
Remember that there is a difference
between the characters in a dramatic
piece and the actors portraying those
“How does an actor assume a character’s
identity and ‘become’ a different
Acting Cont.
If an audience feels empathetic
emotions toward a character in a given
situation, they will likely consider that
performance successful
Together, the cast, the crew, and the
audience create the show
The Guildhall School
 For this video clip, please write down these questions as they
are a part of your notes(Answer them as the clip proceeds):
1. Why do you think the instructor was yelling out various colors? How did
the students respond to this?
What is the most important ‘muscle’ for an actor? Why do you think
this is true?
What does the ‘Acting Technique’ prepare you for?
Three Types of Stages
Stage built in a theatre that is similar to a
sports arena
Sometimes called ‘Theatre in the Round’
Actors make their entrances and exits from
the ‘house’(audience)
One part of the stage thrusts into the
house so that the audience is seated on
three sides of the acting area
Most common type of stage
Composed of a proscenium arch(walls
facing the audience) that ‘frame’ the
acting area
Actors make entrances and exits from
the backstage areas in the wings
Stage Directions
Upstage- away from the audience
Downstage- toward the audience
Stage Right/Left- Determined from actor’s
point of view when looking toward the
‘Please Copy Down in Notes’