Marine Science Unit O Study Guide

Marine Science Unit O Study Guide
What will the exam look like and how should I study?
The exam will consist of about 50 questions. Most questions will be multiple choice with one or two essay
questions. You will need to RECALL information you learned as well as APPLY information in order to
answer the questions. It is HIGHLY recommended that you review the following materials in preparation
for the exam:
 Sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
 Chap 1 review questions on p23-26
 Section 2.2
 The History & Science of Marine Biology class notes
 Quadrat & Transect Class Notes
 The Engineering Process and Deep Sea Challenge class notes & handouts
 Past homework quiz questions
What is going to be on the exam?
Students should KNOW ……..
 What is studied in the different divisions of marine biology
 The important people and discoveries in the field of oceanography
 The important events and developments in the history of ocean exploration
 The advantages and disadvantages of the different types of sampling equipment and diving
equipment used by a marine scientist
 How to calculate the buoyant force placed on an object using Archimedes’ principle
 The difference between positive, negative, and neutral buoyancy
 The relationship between a buoyant object and the water it displaces
Students should be ABLE to….
 Analyze and interpret marine data in order to draw conclusions
 Distinguish between independent, dependent, and constant variables in a controlled scientific
 Describe the advantages and disadvantages between using point intercept along a transect and point
intercept within a quadrat when monitoring a site
 Demonstrate the steps of the scientific method in order to answer questions about the ocean
 Distinguish between inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning
 Demonstrate the steps of the engineering process in order to solve a design problem
Please NOTE…….
I hope this guide helps you study. While this is a fairly comprehensive list, questions may not be limited
to just the information above. Good luck studying! You will do GREAT!