World War 1 Review Sheet -key - 6

World War 1 Review Sheet
1. World War 1
2. Allied Forces
3. Trench Warfare
4. Central Powers
5. Alliance
6. Conscription
7. Transformation
8. Women
9. Munition
10. Nationalism
A. Filthy, dangerous, grimy conditions where
soldiers lived and fought in the fileds
B. Ammo or weapons
C. When two or more countries join together
for military or economic reasons
D. Britain, France, Russia
E. A love of one’s country
F. Played an important role at home by taking
over men’s jobs including farming, and
G. 1914- 1918
H. Germany, Austria, Hungary
I. Canada changed from a small and very
British country to a strong, militaristic, and
proudly independent country
J. Due to a shortage of soldiers, Canada forced
young men to join the war.
True or False
1. French Canadians were very eager to fight for Canada in World War 1, they
really wanted to help Great Britain. False
2. Germany was Canada’s greatest ally. False
3. Canadian farmers would rather work on the farm then go to War. true
4. At the start of World War 1, Canada had no choice but to join the war. true
5. Canadian soldiers fought alongside, and under the command of British
generals. True
6. BY the end of the war, Canada became a more independent country with a
stronger military. TRUE
7. Peru was an ally of Germany FALSE
8. Women fought alongside men during WW1 FALSE
9. Planes did not play a major role in WW1. TRUE
10.Women helped out on the home front by taking over mens jobs in
manufacturing and on the farms. TRUE