human population growth

Luisenrique Amaya Lewis lloya
Human Population Growth
Population: A group of individuals of the same species that live in the same geographic
area at the same time.
Demography: is the science of human population structure and growth.
The human population was about 6.7 billion on 2008, increased by about 80 million from
2007 to 2008. This occurred due to a dramatic decrease in the death rate. Mainly because
of greater food production, better medical care, and improvements in water quality.
Although our population is still increasing, the world’s growth rate has decrease from
2.2% in the 1960s to 1.2% in 2008.Experts predict that the growth rate will continue to
decrease slowly until it reaches zero population growth.
Human migration is a major cause of growth rate. People migrate mainly to have a better
life such as: finding a better paying job, to escape war or persecution for their race,
religion, nationality, or political opinions. Expects predict migration will increase during
the next 30 years.
Highly developed countries have lowest birth rates in the world. Reason highly
developed countries have high population because they have low infant mortality rates.
Mainly because of good nutrition available, healthcare and supply of water. Some highly
developed countries are the United States, China and France.
Moderately developed countries have declining birth and infant mortality rates, and have
a some access to health care, education, and food supply. Mexico, Turkey and most of
South America are moderately countries.
Less developed countries have the highest birth rates, highest infant mortality rates and
the shortest life expectancies. Mainly because have little or no healthcare, poor education,
little clean and drinkable water, and have problems dealing with diseases spreading such
as HIV. Bangladesh, Niger, and Ethiopia are less developed counties.
When a country starts to become more industrialized and starts to decrease in low birth
rate and death rates, the country goes through the four stages in the Demographic Stages.
The first stage-preindustrial stage: birth and death rates are high and population grows at
a modest rate. The second stage-transitional stage: lowered death rate and the population
grow rapidly because the birth rate is still high. The third stage-industrial stage: decline
birth rate causes the population growth to slow down. The last and fourth stagepostindustrial stage: has low death and birth rates. The populations grows very slowly or
not at all.
To be able to predict the growth if a population, you must know its age structure, which
is distribution of people by age. You must look at their age structure diagram. A diagram
that’s looks like a pyramid has a rapid growth population. A diagram where the middle
seems to be more/ larger than the rest has a slow population growth and a diagram where
most of the age structure is mostly the same has either no population growth or a
declining growth.
Countries that have high birth rates are mainly because of woman lower equal rights.
Many women have many children because their husband forces them to and they have no
right to deny it. Countries that have high birth rates are mainly because of woman lower
equal rights. Many women has many children because their husband forces them to and
they have no right to deny it. Thanks to this, when a women has many kids, it’s hard for
them to take care of them and puts a lot of stress on their bodies. They have no or bad
healthcare. Then their bodies are likely to not be able to handle all of those births.
Women that have a higher role in society seems to have less babies because they usually
have a high education and wait later on in life to start a family. They have good health
care which in terms helps them develop a more healthy body suitable to give birth to a
child later in their life time.