Montana 1948 - Essay Guidelines for Writing the Body Paragraphs

Montana 1948 - Essay
Guidelines for Writing the Body Paragraphs
Thesis: Frank Hayden used his power as a war hero and a doctor to abuse members of the
Native American community.
Body Paragraph # 1
1. Topic sentence: main idea of paragraph (1 sentence)
Example: Frank Hayden’s high status as an admired war hero gave him permission to act as if he
was above reproach.
2. Context for the quote: who, what, why, when, where? Decide and answer which of these
questions will help to set up your quote as proof for the topic sentence.
Example: David looks up to his uncle Frank. Frank is charming, confident and heroic. Although
Wesley holds an important position in the town as sheriff, Frank has a higher status , in part
because he bravely served in the war and David’s father, Wesley did not. Wesley’s physical
handicap kept him from being able to serve and this provided more reason for Frank to be the
grandfather’s favorite child.
3. Quote from the text (this is your proof/textual evidence): include a lead – in and a citation.
Examples of how to use a lead in and citation:
Example 1: Frank has a high status in Bentrock because “…he was a genuine war hero,
complete with decorations and commendations. He had been stationed at an Army field hospital
on a Pacific Island…Under heavy enemy fire he carried – carried, just like in the movies – three
wounded soldiers from the battlefield to safety. The story made the wire services and somehow
my grandfather got ahold of clippings from close to twenty different newspapers” (Watson 24).
Example 2: Frank lies to cover up the murder of Marie Little Soldier: “….I think the Indian way
is to deny illness, to try to push through in the face of it. Pneumonia is still a serious disease.
Very serious. We musn’t lose sight of that” (Watson 80)
4. Analysis of the quote:
Explain the meaning of the quote and how it is related to the topic sentence.
Explain how the author uses figurative language and word choice to make his
Example for Quote 1: – Frank is an Army war veteran and hero. He worked as a
medical doctor during World War 2. Frank went beyond his medical duties and risked
his own life to carry soldiers away from the field during a battle. A simile comparing
Frank to an actor in the movies demonstrates his larger than life reputation in Bentrock.
The community sees him as an action hero who should be celebrated. Frank is as
admired as a movie star and therefor e the people look past his flaws.
5. Transition: Connect the ideas in this paragraph to Body Paragraph # 2
Example: Frank’s prominence as a war hero and doctor are partly to blame for his immoral and
illegal behaviors.
5. Concluding Sentence: For the second Body paragraph.