Lab 3 report (Word format)

Lab 3 Report (20 points)
Please post your photos for egg foam and vauquelin on course blog under Lab 3 Photos by 11:59pm
EST Sun 6/7. The full lab report is due by 11:59 pm EST Sun 6/14.
1. Data table for egg white foams. You only need to complete the part for your specific team. Be
sure to include units for the time it took and volume of the egg foam (8 points)
Team 1: acids/salt
a. 1/2 teaspoon of salt
b. 1/2 teaspoon of lemon
c. 1/2 teaspoon of diluted
white vinegar
d. 1/4 teaspoon of cream
of tartar
Team 2: Syrup – water
a. mixture A
b. mixture B
c. mixture C
d. mixture D
Team 3: Fruit juice –
sugar mixture
a. mixture A
b. mixture B
c. mixture C
d. mixture D
Average height of
the final foam
Appearance/Texture of
final vauquelin
2. What is the motivation of this lab? Why is it an interesting question to investigate in both the
scientific and culinary context? (3 points)
3. Describe your experiments and the corresponding results. Briefly describe what each of your
results mean. As an example, a complete response will not only include your volume measurement,
but also a discussion of what happens at the microscopic level when different acids/salt (or
mixtures) are added. (4 points)
4. Look at the Lab 3 photos posted on our course blog. What conclusions can you draw about the
effect of added acids/salt, sugar, and water on the stability and volume of an egg white foam? (4
5. Please indicate the time it took for you to conduct this lab activity, and to complete the lab report.
(1 point)