Essay Topics As You Like It

Essay Topics As You Like It
1. List the "town" characters in the play, enumerate their attributes, and discuss how they
reflect town life. Use the same format for the "country" characters.
2. There are four pairs of lovers in the play. Characterize each couple and discuss the
concept of love that they represent.
3. Give several examples showing how Shakespeare uses language to indicate class
differences among the characters.
4. There are many words in the play that have changed in their meanings since
Shakespeare's time. Make a list of those significant words that are germane to a thorough
understanding the play. Discuss how only a present-day meaning of the words can bring
about a misunderstanding of the play.
5. What purpose does Rosalind's disguise serve in the play?
6. Discuss the advantages of "town life" over that of "country life." Reverse the situation.
How does Shakespeare resolve this debate?
7. Of different types of love shown in the play, which does Shakespeare seem to favor? In
which characters does this evince itself and to what extent?
8. Discuss the various types of humor in the play. Compare or contrast the wit of
Touchstone with that of Jaques; with Corin; and with Rosalind.
9. The Forest of Arden has been said to be, in actuality, the Forest of the Ardennes on the
Meuse River in Europe. Yet, there is a Forest of Arden in England. Where do you think it
is located? Why?
10. How do the characters reflect the time in which Shakespeare wrote?